I have a reason to Love this Charcoal Face Mask by The Legend. A highly effective face mask that works as mentioned. The activated charcoal will keep you away from acne, blackheads and whiteheads.
Works as a Deep pore cleanser, removing impurities.
Reasons to use :
✔️Activated charcoal removes blackheads
✔️Removes acne
✔️Controls excess oil
✔️Makes your skin soft, radiant
✔️Removes impurities
✔️Tightens pores
✔️Packed with vitamins, nutrients and extracts
Overall I would highly recommend this product. For best results apply a thin layer mask. To open the pores, first wipe off your face with hot towel.
Where to buy : https://www.amazon.in/dp/B07HLBDKZ8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_Q0GmCb5TPDA88