Ever felt so tired that you just wanna apply some Rose Water on your face and relax?
Ever felt the need of hydrating or moisturizing your skin?
The answers to all your questions is VLCC Rose Water.
It is a natural toner that helps to maintain your skin’s pH balance, revitalizes and hydrates your skin. Makes your skin even more smoother. The rose water is fragrant and acts as a cooling agent. It further nourishes and purifies the skin.
Reasons to use :
✔️Moisturizing agent
✔️Cooling agent
✔️Revitalizes your skin
✔️Hydrating agent
✔️Fights acne
✔️Balance skin pH balance
✔️Fragrant liquid and purifying agent
✔️Tones your skin
✔️Nourishes your skin
✔️Makes your skin glow
Where to get from : https://www.amazon.in/dp/B00FREJ1YU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_9MIzCbKGQRWWA